Chris O'Hallorin

Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Chris O'Hallorin - June 09, 2006 02:51 pm UTC

It is too long a story to type here, but this guy is really something. For the longest of times I couldn't figure out whether he is really bright and as crooked as they come, or a really nice guy, but dumber than dirt.

Turns out he is a crook! At least as a big a crook as any of the clowns who have been booted from here!

Anyone who wants the details, please feel free to contact me. I would SERIOUSLY think twice before doing any business with him....
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 09, 2006 03:03 pm UTC

I think you should just write everything here lol. Let the Club DSM of Canada know what you dealt with. It will make him feel stupid as well and everyone will believe it because we all know that you are a trusting guy that always pulls through.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 09, 2006 04:25 pm UTC

Ok, but I will warn you it is long.

Chris came to me a long time ago to buy a ACT 2600. I sold it to him, and he took it to a "friend of the family/corner garage". The clown there couldn't install it, I suspect he had the disk in backwards. He convinced Chris it was either the wrong clutch or defective. Of course, it is neither. I wanted to just give Chris his money back, as I didn't have another 2600, but he pleaded with me that he needed a clutch, so I gave him an SBR 3500, which is worth about $35. less. I told him get it installed before we do any settling up.
I heard nothing for quite a while, so figured all was good, and the $35 was going to be a discount for whoever takes that 2600, since it no longer has a box, and has scratch marks in the paint where you can see it was bolted in.
Next thing, Chris is posting that his clutch burned out in 1,000km, and he wants me to warranty it. He admitted he smelled burning clutch from day 1. I told him no-one will warranty the clutch, it was a bad installation..

He called SBR, they basically told him where to go. He called Competition Clutch, who makes the SBR clutch, and the guy there at head office in Georgia was fantastic. He said there had been a recent rash of 8 complaints about his clutch, and if there was ANY CHANCE his clutch was to blame, he would supply a new one at no charge! He called his Ontario warehouse, and I sent a courier to pick up the clutch. Chris called, said he couldn't wait a day for the courier, he would pick it up, I cancelled the courier, and off he went..
Now, the guy at the warehouse had a clutch like I have....brand new, but someone had tried to install it. He gave Chris that, and instead of being thankful that someone gave him a clutch under warranty, he started bitching and moaning that it was "used". The guy in Georgia called his warehouse again, gave his guy sh!t, and told him to ship another BRAND NEW clutch, in the box, the whole bit. The courier, for some reason, never got cancelled, so they brought me that one, and I sent the "used" one back.....
Now, Chris claimed to have learned his lesson, and was now going to get someone competent to install his new clutch, so he went to Forced Power I think it is, Mark and Pat Fisher. They apparently convinced him that they couldn't warranty a clutch that they didn't supply, even though it was brand new (which I fully understand). He was nervous, and they convinced him he should let them put in an Exedy clutch. Chris said he had no confidence in the Competition (SBR) clutch, and asked me if I would buy it, so that he could put the funds towards his new Exedy clutch. I agreed, and wrote a his g/f, because their bank account is in her name....whatever....

I thought this was the end of it, but this was just the beginning.....

I am going to stop here for fear of losing everything I have typed, I will continue a little later in another post....

Editted for spelling and grammar
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 09, 2006 06:08 pm UTC

Ok, so on the 23rd of May, Chris came and I gave him a cheque for the Competition clutch. Now, for some reason, he still kept calling down to Georgia and bitching, in spite of everything they had done for him. The guy down there really didn't want Chris to go with the Exedy clutch, so he said he would talk to the installing shop, and apparently AIR FREIGHTED a clutch from Georgia right to Forced Power, which is well over $100USD just in freight!. When it didn't arrive next day, he checked the UPS tracking, and it showed "item not scanned", so this guy AIR freighted ANOTHER clutch right to Forced Power. Now Chris takes his car to Forced Power, and allows them to install a competition clutch, at NO CHARGE for the clutch. He never bothers to mention to anyone that the one they were SUPPOSED to be installing in his car, he had sold to me!! Of course, then I get the phone calls from Competition wanting the clutch that I have back! When I called Chris, he didn't understand that he had done anything wrong. Like I said, I thought maybe he was just dumber than dirt. In any case, he finally agreed to send me my money back next day, so I could return the clutch I have here to Competition Clutch.....
Next day, he phones me and tells me my cheque didn't clear. I am puzzled by this, but we agree we will check next day what is going on, and then make arrangements accordingly. Well, I gave him the check on the 23rd of May, it cleared on the 24th. He is still claiming MY bank must be messed up, because his bank took the money back, blah, blah, blah. That was last Saturday. He has had a whole week to look into this banking business, but he is no longer returning my phone calls or answering my pm's. That is why I have FINALLY come to the realization that he ISN'T dumber than dirt, he is actually pretty sharp, I guess.....but a CROOK!!

Like I said, be careful dealing with this guy!!
Posted By: Paul Bratina

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 11, 2006 04:53 pm UTC

Any update on this situation?
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 12, 2006 02:25 am UTC

None whatsoever. We last spoke over a week ago, on the Saturday. He was supposed to check with his bank on Monday, and call me, but he never did. I PM'd him on Tuesday, and I have left him a voice message. The PM shows as "read", but he hasn't contacted me, so I can only assume he intends to leave me stuck with what is basically a "stolen" clutch...It was never his to sell to least not if he was getting ANOTHER one installed for FREE!!
I would strongly suggest NOT doing business with him!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 13, 2006 12:23 am UTC

I think any member that screws over a member like this should be banned from the forum. It is the only way that people will learn. Forums are for helpful information and with legit selling to one another. Forums are not used to scam people out of their money. This just makes me angry period.

P.S Thanks Ziggy for those TEIN SS's, they are just amazing period.
Posted By: Chris Bilmer

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 14, 2006 10:03 pm UTC

Sorry to hear about your 'stupid customer' problems. I know exactly how you feel sometimes, and some people are truly screwed in the head.

You're a stand-up guy. A friend of mine (Robert Glover) and I have dealth with you on numerous occasions and have been more than happy with all of our dealings! Keep up the good work and down let this ass clown get you down! smile

Posted By: Scott Neville

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 15, 2006 09:53 am UTC

I know how you feel Ziggy. I have been screwed by 2 members on this board for 600$ and 200$ and I still have not got the cash. But when I get home I will doing the small claims court thing and get my cash that way. I have been a nice guy to long. So you know who you are so it would be nice if you paid up.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 15, 2006 02:03 pm UTC

Scott, I don't think you should be afraid to "name names", as that is what this forum is for, no? That way the rest of us can choose to not deal with these clowns, or AT LEAST be very careful with them.

In my case, I DO have the clutch, although it is in effect "stolen". I am not returning it to Competition until I have been paid, so they are likely going to sue me. The GOOD news is that since they only get one kick at the can, they are probably going to sue O'Hallorin at the same time, so I will get to see him in court smile
Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 15, 2006 06:35 pm UTC

I have no dealings with Chris. I did see the clutch Ziggy says came from him. There did not seem to be anything wrong with it. It did look like the friction plate was put in backwards when installed, due to scratches on the spring holes.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 06:29 pm UTC

Just an update....He is STILL not returning calls or answering messages. I did the Canada 411 reverse lookup thing, so I have an address now...I think it is his girlfriends' place...
Anyways, I left a message saying I would drop in there when in the neighbourhood, thinking that might prompt the little bugger to call, but no such luck....guess I will have to pay an actual visit.....

What do you think? Should I bring a baseball bat? Or then again, I have the machinery, I could make a gun?? wink
Posted By: Tim Hunt

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 06:50 pm UTC

You still have those left over pieces of 4130 tubing that we used for the project the other day.
3-4ft piece if that would suffice.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 07:23 pm UTC

I was thinking pistol, not rifle....easier to dispose of when you are done with it wink
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 07:50 pm UTC

Hey Ziggy,

Why don't you post the address lol. I think we can all pay a visit and use extra force if we need to lol.
Posted By: Tim Hunt

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 07:51 pm UTC

I was just thinking a few whacks at the kneecaps
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 08:10 pm UTC

Not a bad idea either, Tim....I guess I was just "thinking big", LOL
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 08:14 pm UTC

Not a bad idea either, Tim....I guess I was just "thinking big", LOL
Posted By: Chris O 'Hallorin

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 11:10 pm UTC

More like "not thinking at all." Only a fool makes impulsive, open threats with his name, IP addy and picture beside them... I'm not worried, so you have failed miserably. The moment you act on your stupidity will be the moment I contact the proper authorities and have you arrested for threatening, harrassment and whatever else that may transpire. Leave me alone. I'm not going to explain myself here, it's really none of this site's business. Last chance, no more phone calls, no more threats, etc... Leave me alone.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 11:20 pm UTC

Gladly leave you alone...just buy back this clutch you stole from Competition Clutch...
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - June 30, 2006 11:35 pm UTC

Funny thing go to the "proper authorities", you would have to explain how you stole and resold the clutch, and a two bit crook who is so cheap that he has to STEAL a clutch rather than buy it isn't going to spend the money on a civil case, so I am not worried, LOL...
Posted By: Mark Fisher

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 01, 2006 12:50 am UTC

Hey guy's don't you think this one has gone far enough.
Every business has problems with customers from time to time, but it should rearlly remain between them. Not become a free-for-all on open air waves.
Let's let Ziggy and Chris sort this one out.
As a point of interest Chris did bring his car to us (ForcePower Motorsports) to get the clutch properly fixed and we had no problems what so ever with him. He paid his bill in full and just seemed happy to have his car running again.
Posted By: Tim Hunt

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 01, 2006 01:26 am UTC

Mark Ziggy brought this out on the open forum to put a little "pressure" on Chris to return his calls etc.
Apparently calls/messages have been not returned.
Chris, not that it is any of my personal business but maybe you should call Ziggy and find a way for this to be worked out.
And Mark, did you actually read Ziggy's issue with Chris, he's out $400 and has a clutch that competition want's back.
Posted By: Brandi Kendall

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 01, 2006 01:39 am UTC

I KNOW Ziggy has tried to sort this out, but Chris has just ignored him. Ziggy has bent over backwards for this guy to try and help this guy and Ziggy just gets the crap end of the stick (but it won't be for long).

I think the board has every right to know that Chris is a thief, whiner and a liar. It's just that simple!

Chris, Ziggy showing up at your door with a clutch that is stolen is not harrassment. He could sit outside your door for days. Call the police, and explain yourself to them. Cancelled cheque + letter from Competition Clutch explaining the situation just may land you in handcuffs. Kodak moment you in cuffs, the board may want to see a pic of that.
Posted By: Noah Wiles

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 01, 2006 01:43 am UTC

Competition Cluth $400
Bounced Check $400

Chris meeting Bubba for the first time.... priceless.
Posted By: Mark Fisher

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 01, 2006 01:49 am UTC

Yes Tim. I have read it all.
My point is still the same, let them sort it out.
$400.00 or $4000.00 its still between them.
This just turns into alot of mud slinging.
Posted By: Brandi Kendall

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 01, 2006 02:10 am UTC

Mark, how can it be settled when the thief is ignoring Ziggy?
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 01, 2006 04:35 am UTC

Mark, I believe he paid his bill, but the clutch you installed was provided by Competition clutch for free, right? I guess he never bothered to mention to you that he had already accepted a clutch from them and sold it to me? Disagreements happen between customers and businesses, but this guy is a THIEF and a LIAR, and I think everyone on here has a right to know that, so that they can be careful in their dealings with him, if they choose to deal with him at all. Is that not what a good guy/bad guy forum is for??

Also he had no choice but to pay his bill with you had his car!

You will notice his only complaint about me is the phone calls....and those are because he owes me money. They will continue until this is paid or he is in jail. He has nothing else bad to say about me because I did nothing wrong. Only thing I did wrong was try to help him....I know better for next time..
Posted By: Jay Warwick (Pham)

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 02, 2006 05:36 am UTC

Ziggy, although I have not had the pleasure of doing business with you personally, I have however read numerous "good guy" posts about you to know your a well respected member around these parts.
In my estimation, Ziggy seems to do all he can for his customers and to have someone try to pull a fast one on him and be let off with a slap on the wrist would be unfair. Instead of debating whether or not this thread should exist, we should be trying to help in any way that we can. I think threads like this help the restof us members in deciding who we want to do business ith, and also making us think twice when we are doing business.
I'd just like to add my two cents by saying, perhaps you should contact the girlfriend Ziggy? She may be more rationale than Chris, and hopefully his girlfriend informing him of the repercussions of his actions will encourage him to correct his wrong. Anyways, I hope this situation is resolved, good luck.

**I appoligize in advance for the spelling errors, its July 1st and its been a long night of celebrating.

Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 02, 2006 01:50 pm UTC

Thanks Jay. And I am not asking the board to do my "collecting" for me....that is part of being in business, I guess, I will deal with him one way or another.

The purpose of this post is more as a warning for everyone else. I think that is the purpose of this forum. It is just to let everyone know he is very slick. He ACTS like he is just not the brightest guy, so you feel sorry for him and want to help him, but in reality he is a liar, you can't believe a word he says, and he will screw you in a heartbeat. Anyone dealing with him, BE CAREFUL!
Posted By: Chris O 'Hallorin

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 09, 2006 02:29 pm UTC

Thx for backing me up Mark. Ziggy has some serious support on here, no doubt, but if ya feed a dog steak, ya better believe he's going to love you. On the flip side, as everyone can see, it's an entirely different story. His TRUE demeanor is plastered all over this post.

As for the ignoring, there is no talking to this hothead, so I choose to ignore. It's like beating a dead horse. No one knows my side and would it matter even if they did ( refer to my first paragraph)? Besides, it's no one's business and i'm not about to make a damn ass of myself online with a war of words.

Thx again Mark. I sold my 93 AWD last weekend, but I have another rocket now. I ll be sure to bring ya some business ( if need be ) and spread the word on your fine customer service and excellent work.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 09, 2006 04:30 pm UTC

There would be no need for talking to this hothead if your word were worth a damn. You told me you would send me $400. the next day. LIE!! You told me my cheque was returned...LIE!! Fact is, you are LIAR and a THIEF! No disputing that! Sure you treated FP good...they gave you a free clutch, and they had your car. You would not have gotten it back without paying! I treated you good also, helped you out several times...In return, you SCREWED me. I treat people the way they deserve to be treated. You, I will hound forever. I am delivering parts out your way soon, expect a bit of a scene then.. could pay what you owe, and then we could just disappear from each other's lives...
Posted By: Chris O 'Hallorin

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 09, 2006 09:31 pm UTC

The only person you will be hounding is my girlfriend - and apparently you treat people the way they deserve to be treated. BAH! Listen, your threats are falling on deaf ears here. Do what you choose, but the minute you create havoc for someone who has nothing to do with this is the minute you will dig that much deeper into a CRIMINAL matter that is only intended to be a CIVIL one. Do you think for a second that I have not documented all this ? You don't think I have discussed this with the proper authorities ? It's really this simple, no threat needed, if you decide to act on impulse, it will land you in a very bad situation. Leave me alone, I wont tell you again.
Posted By: Gavin Caissie

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 10, 2006 12:37 am UTC

Ok, I have read all of this thread, probably a couple times now.

First thing I would like to say is that Ziggy is a stand up guy in my opinion. I have had no problems with him, or his services what so ever.

And from what I can tell, Chris, If you decide that you want to take this to a criminal level, the way it looks to me is that you are the one who is going to get screwed.

Simply because you have a stolen clutch in your car, and your still owing Ziggy 400 bucks.

And their is a paper trail probably quite long to prove all of this.

I don't agree with using the board to "bash" people. But this is getting outa hand.

Ziggy simply posted here to warn us about what has happend with the dealings between the two of you. And it has seemed to just turned into a war of words.

I believe that the two of you should talk and sort this out. I have read enough to know not to deal with you myself, and the other members can make their own choices from there. I just think that it has gotten out of hand.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 10, 2006 06:03 am UTC

I have done nothing illegal. You, on the other hand, have committed fraud, so let's get this straight about who is making empty threats. I have every right to go after even your girlfriend. In fact, she committed this fraud WITH you, because my cheque was payable to her. Let's face facts. I HAVE NOT and WILL NOT broken any laws. YOU, on the other hand, don't have a leg to stand on As long as money is owing to me, I can call there repeatedly. This is not harrassment, this is collection.

Just quit being an asshole, pay what you owe, and we can both get out of each others lives. You kept telling me $400. is NOTHING. so pay it. or was that ANOTHER LIE??
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 10, 2006 06:35 am UTC

I have a customer on Appleby line, I am delivering parts to him tomorrow. I will pay your g/f a visit then smile
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 10, 2006 12:11 pm UTC

triple post thing 6 hours after my original post??

Please delete
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 04:12 am UTC

Didn't make it out there, as it was raining, and you aren't worth getting wet for, but will try to drop by Thursday when I pick the parts up again....

And from another thread...your posts are EMPTY and you claim "spelling edits". So, let me get this straight....

Either you are so STUPID that you wanted to say NOTHING and didn't know how to spell it, or, once again, you are a LIAR......
Posted By: Trevor Germuth

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 04:37 am UTC

I might be out of my place in here but I feel like I have to but-in. I have spent numerous dollars with Ziggy in the last few months.

He was more than helpful after my first email (how did he know I was soon to be a paying customer, not some scammer or dreamer) He was extremely quick with getting back to me and treated my like Gold. I wish everyone I dealt with treated me even 1/10 of how good Ziggy treats me.

It really really gets to me that sh!t like this can happen to anybody, let alone someone like Ziggy.

Most of us here know that Ziggy is more than a trustworthy guy, so I vote (along with Mr. Gill) that after scamming; not just anyone but someone who has helped the Dsm community so much, he be banned.
Posted By: Chris O 'Hallorin

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 10:20 pm UTC

Ok, so I think you should be banned on what ya just said Trev. Does that seem justified ? No. As there is always 3 sides to every story. His, mine and the truth. You only know what it is like to be on his good side. Feed a dog steak, or give some guy a good deal on DSM parts and ya better believe there will be plenty to love about the HAND THAT FEEDS YOU. On the flip side, it's a hell ride, that simple. I've tried to talk with the guy, to no avail and his posts are reason enough to understand why. If you can't see that because you are blinded by his good eals, then that is your prob.

As for showing up at my gf's house, I promise you that you will be getting yourself into a lil more than what you want to get your self into. Take my word for it Fatty.
Posted By: Gavin Caissie

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 10:30 pm UTC

No offence Chris, but it's pretty sad when a kid like you, has to threaten and call names.

I understand your a young kid, as I am as well being that i'm only 22.

But just own up to what you did and pay the man.

There is definately no need for name calling, or threats.

And no offence dude, I bet ziggy, although older than you, would still whoop your ass!

I have an unbiast opinion, as this doesn't affect me what so ever, but I can tell from your comments that you did steal the clutch, and that you do owe ziggy 400 bucks.

Just pay the man, or make a deal with him and end this crap.

I'm only 22, and ya I get in screaming matches to, but this is getting rediculous. Calling another member "fatty" just because he wants his money, or the stolen clutch. Come on. Grow up a little.
Posted By: Amin Ahmadi

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 11:10 pm UTC

Originally posted by Chris O 'Hallorin:
As for showing up at my gf's house, I promise you that you will be getting yourself into a lil more than what you want to get your self into. Take my word for it Fatty.
you are obviously too immature for any business transaction or dealing. and you just proved you have other issues too.

You intially started a whole criminal/civil I sue you line a few posts back. Well, nice try but Ziggy and the rest of the audience you were pulling that stunt for are no idiots.

He has a case, you don't. You tried to just throw out a few big words you have learned here and there. And you don't even know how to use it...maybe by the time you become half of his age, you would learn what those words mean... so I'd give you sometime.

And given the level of intelligence you have spared in your posts, I doubt you have left yourself ANY credibility on this board. Regardless of knowing Ziggy or not... AT NO point you have indicated "yourside" of story proving to me, an possibly most people, that what has been said is true and you are just playing the Tough Guy game. It might take him a while if he tries to pursue the legal means, but he will get it, and then you will feel sorry because you have to pay for the subsequential damages too, Where are you could just mail him the cheque now and pretend it was always in the mail and Canada Post fucked up.
Posted By: Chris O 'Hallorin

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 11:10 pm UTC

I owe this site nothing. If you want to believe my silence is a sign of guilt, so be it. I have my side and I will share it if need be, til then, he can waste more money than what his BS is worth on a CIVIL case.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 11:36 pm UTC

Ziggy is a competitor to my own parts business. However, we still respect each other and do business together. If he wasn't trust worthy, I wouldn't hand over $1000+ for just suspension parts alone. He came through REALLY fast without any problems.

When Ziggy complains, its usually because someone ripped him off. So far Chris, I have not heard your "SIDE" of the story. You are just making yourself look stupid everytime you post. So if Ziggy did something wrong, let us know. This is a GOOD GUY/BAD GUY area of the forum and we would like all the information from both sides.

If you did rip off Ziggy, you should expect a law suit of some sort. Ziggy isn't afraid to go that far and I know it. So Chris, lets hear your side of the story, if you don't have a side, than pay up Ziggy period.
Posted By: Andrew Bienhaus

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 11:44 pm UTC

Ok guys, thanks, I think this is enough now.

Chris -- as observed already, if you'd like to post your side of the story, please go ahead.

Failing that, we take a very dim view on people ripping off members around here, whether businesses or not.

If you'd rather we just deactivate your account, please email me and say so.

Thank you.
Posted By: Chris O 'Hallorin

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 11, 2006 11:55 pm UTC

If there wasn't a civil case possibility, I would have talked long ago. Ya think ? Enough already, ok, ya want to believe i'm a bad guy, i'm fine with that. Point made. Other DSM'ers who hate this damn site don't think so. Why? Because they know me and not Ziggy and whether i'm in the wrong or him, it doesn t make a damn difference, I am their friend, not Ziggy ( and vice versa ). This is my last post. I have said all that needs to be said. Ziggy, if ya don't like it, stop whining and complaining, sicking your henchmen on me and throwing around lame threats. Leave my girlfriend out of this and take ME to court.
Posted By: Ziggy Dietrich

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 12, 2006 12:53 am UTC

We can go to court, but your girfriend WON'T be left out of it. YOU insisted I make my cheque payable to her, so she will be in court with us.

See you both then..but I WILL give her a chance to pay this BEFORE that happens....I am FINISHED talking to YOU.

edited to add...
Posted By: Andrew Bienhaus

Re: Chris O'Hallorin - July 12, 2006 02:42 am UTC

Guess he doesn't want to explain.
And he doesn't know the law very well.

Good luck Chris, with all of your friends who 'hate this site'. You and the rest who have stolen from people here, I'm sure make a fine bunch.

Good luck Ziggy.
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