Cayuga - Warning for Aug. 16

Posted By: marty edwards

Cayuga - Warning for Aug. 16 - August 15, 2003 02:19 pm UTC

If anybody is planning to race at Cayuga (Toronto International Dragstrip) Saturday, Aug. 16, the OPP are pulling cars over so the MTO can inspect them. My friend is an OPP officer, and will be there, on Kohler Rd.

Remember, you're allowed to race, but you still aren't allowed to disconnect your catalytic, or modify/bypass your emissions equipment.
Posted By: Jonny Marszalek

Re: Cayuga - Warning for Aug. 16 - August 16, 2003 07:22 am UTC

its not worth going to Cayuga anymore, even in a bone stock family sedan you get hassled. all the cops and inspectors seem to be oblivious to whats legal and whats not, they just point out random sh!t that doesn't look right or sound right or is flashy and sticks out. then they try to make of a ticket out of it, and if there not blocking around Kohlr Rd, there all up and down highway 20. last time i was there some guys just got pissed off and headed up towards niagra and erie to go race on rural streets. so much for the anti-street racing campaigns smile
Posted By: Jonny Marszalek

Re: Cayuga - Warning for Aug. 16 - August 16, 2003 07:23 am UTC

especially for older domestics, its just a plain fuckin scandal... annoy
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