Please HELP ...thrust bearing?

Posted By: matt young

Please HELP ...thrust bearing? - August 11, 2000 05:28 am UTC

Sorry for posting this here guys but i seem to get faster responses this way [Linked Image] Ok number one is I am still running the stock 14b in my talon. Do I need the heat sheild on? I snapped two of the bolts off [Linked Image] Have any of you done this. I am a welder and work at a machine shop so ill try and drill, and tap them tomorrow. Please tell me I dont have to take the manifold off to do this!!

Number two. I was looking at my turbo tonight, and I noticed that there seems to bee a little crusty seeped oil in between the in the middle around where the oil return runs down to the oil pan, but it doesnt seem to be coming from the tube itself. Is there a seal between the hot and the cold side of the turbo? I mean if the thrust bearing was on its way out(dying) would it leak out as well as in? I doesnt actually drip it is just a bit oily/grimy looking. Should i not mess with it till Im ready for a 16g? Ok any help would be great.

BTW I have hardly any shaft play when I tried to wiggle it.

Thanks Matt

[This message has been edited by matt young (edited August 11, 2000).]
Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Please HELP ...thrust bearing? - August 12, 2000 12:58 pm UTC

Which heat shield? Upper or lower? If it's upper, you could easily drill out those bolts and retap is necessary while still attached to the car. If it's the lower one, oi... But you don't *need* either of them. They do keep things a little cooler under the hood, though.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Please HELP ...thrust bearing? - August 12, 2000 02:30 pm UTC

Troy, no, you don't *need* the heat shields, but if you don't have them (particularly the lower turbo one) you will cook your alternator within 6 months and reduce cooling ability of your radiator (particularly in city driving!). Okay, so I haven't melted a fan blade yet, but been there, done that, had the problems, ordered the heat shields.

90 Eclipse GSX
92 Talon TSi AWD
Posted By: Vince Amato

Re: Please HELP ...thrust bearing? - August 13, 2000 01:30 am UTC

Matt, There is no seal/gasket between the exhaust housing (hot side) and the compressor (cold side)of the turbo. They are just held together by that metal "band" and a bolt.

So I am guessing that oil could work it's way through, although they are held together pretty good.
Just get a 16g and don't worry about it.

I'm on my way out to put the heat shield back on. I have enough problems as it is, I don't want to be replacing an alternator any time soon.

91 Eagle Talon TSi AWD

[This message has been edited by Vince Amato (edited August 12, 2000).]
Posted By: Darin Chalifoux

Re: Please HELP ...thrust bearing? - August 13, 2000 03:00 am UTC


I've ran a dump tube on the wastegate off of my o2 housing for well over a year, without a lower heat shield, and no probs withthe alternator yet... Maybe I'm damn lucky... I also don't have a big nasty stereo... i think that's the main cause of alternator failure.



Darin Chalifoux, Resident Fat Guy.
92 Laser AWD
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