Anyone from the west coast here?

Posted By: Dan Sarkar

Anyone from the west coast here? - August 18, 2008 01:41 pm UTC

Is there anyone on here from the Vancouver area (or thereabouts) ?
Or, more specifically, Seattle.

I'd just like your thoughts on the weather out there.
I have visited BC off and on over the years, and lived there for a few months back in the 90's.
My memories of my time there are most favorable, and I really don't recall it being that rainy/suicide inducing, but hey, that optimism might have been simply due to my love for the mountains and the trees.

Anyway, what's it like for the long term over there?

Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Anyone from the west coast here? - August 18, 2008 01:50 pm UTC

I don't live there, but have visited, and know people that have.

It's like everywhere else, has it's good days/weeks/months/years and bad ones. It's basically the opposite of Houston or LA. Where sunshine is 'the norm' with occasional bouts of rain, Vancouver/Portland/Seattle is 'usually' rain, with periods of sun.

Personally? I would LOVE to live in Vancouver, and probably wouldn't mind Seattle.
Posted By: JamesAdamson

Re: Anyone from the west coast here? - August 18, 2008 10:34 pm UTC

I might be closest to Vancouver... being in Saskatoon whereas most of the ca.dsm'ers seem to be in TO tongue

*shakes fist in the air* Damn Upper Canadians!
Posted By: Joel C. Stevens

Re: Anyone from the west coast here? - August 20, 2008 02:27 am UTC

My wife and I were in Seatle a year ago for a short trip. It was a nice town, the ball park and football fields are awesome. I really liked seeing the mountains in the background.
Posted By: Tie Mykytiw

Re: Anyone from the west coast here? - August 20, 2008 02:28 am UTC

I spent 3 days there and loved it (football game as well!). Mind you it didnt rain once!
awesome place, go check it out
Posted By: Adam Grenon

Re: Anyone from the west coast here? - August 20, 2008 04:14 am UTC

Can't be bad there they have Palm Trees!
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