2g hatch alignment

Posted By: Cesar Ito

2g hatch alignment - December 10, 2006 09:34 pm UTC


I am trying to align the hatch on my 2g. the hatch is not original to the car and I doesn't line up like it should.
I tries to adjust the latch as well as the bolts at the hinge.
It seems that it is sitting a little low where it attaches to the hinge, but I looked at my caps program, there doesn't seem to be any kind of shim or spacer.
But where the latch is, it sits a little high, even though it is locking.
Can anyone hep?

Posted By: Cesar Ito

Re: 2g hatch alignment - December 10, 2006 10:14 pm UTC

I noticed that there are rubber bushings between the hinges and the body of the car that are worn and have contributed to the misalignment of the car.
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