Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks

Posted By: Rafal Kuleta

Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 27, 2009 06:02 pm UTC

Dangers of Speed Limiters on trucks Youtube vid.
If you're against it, write, call, pester your local MP to get their a** behind stopping yet more legislative nonsense proposed by our dictatorial government.

Heres the Facebook page if you wish to join the cause and be informed of any happenings and events.
Drivers against speed limiters Facebook Group
Posted By: Rob Strelecki

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 27, 2009 06:20 pm UTC

I couldn't hear his rant (at work), but I myself have seen how dangerous the limiters are on the two-lane stretch between Quebec and Port Hope.

With the limiters, you get trucks trying to pass eachother and it takes forever because they are pegging it side by side.
So the left lane, which should more often be clear, is constantly occupied by trucks trying to go just 1km/h faster than the next one!
I've seen one truck pass, and then immediately after that the truck in behind pulls out and they switch places again.
Try not to drive behind that crap. Good luck.
Posted By: Nigel Smith

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 27, 2009 06:35 pm UTC

Raise the limit to 114
Posted By: Rob Strelecki

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 27, 2009 06:49 pm UTC

And what, strictly enforce against trucks above 110? It'll never work.
Posted By: Malcolm Harris

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 27, 2009 09:10 pm UTC

It will take time but eventually, slowly but shurly, the truckers will figure out that they are all goverened to the same speed limit.

I had an interesting run in with a trucker the other day, he was driving 90km's in a 90km Zone and then when my GF passed him in her little Corolla he decided that he can drive a 110km whether we where driving a 105km or not @ 11:00pm, so I flicked my cig out the window which bounced off his windshield, then he proceed to high beam us well riding us 10feet away, so I held out my finger so he could see what I was thinking and we pulled over and he blasted his horn well he passed.

Then we catch up with him again 10min later doing 85km's annoy, I guess he was hoping to see us again, and well he seen us I made sure of that but we were moving when we passed tongue.

Keep in mind I deal with truckers all the time @ work, and I respect what they do its a hard job almost as hard as being a traffic director, but don't ride a Corolla that can stop in 20feet @ 90km's with deer literally all over the side of the road in the middle of the night, duh..
Posted By: Gary Wong

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 04:12 pm UTC

great, another liberal idea to make you feel safer while doing nothing to battle the real problem. what do they do when they can't think of a solution? ban speed! lol

i thought the problem was actually the small spree of jack-knifed trailers for a while there on the highways? which the media sensationalized as usual.

accidents happen, the roads are dangerous and there's a variety of good and bad truck/car drivers blah blah blah...the street is a beast that simply can't be controlled. there's too many variables for one solution. for starters, i agree with more tickets to bad drivers, because unfortunately most of these people only understand punishment and the hurt to their wallets.

give these liberals an inch and they'll take a mile. once these limiters are in place, it's only a matter of time when 'street racing' will be solved by taking away all 'sports car looking' vehicles or speed limiting the crap out of your car. cause all it takes is another tragedy on the road and an angry group of parents will yell 'who needs more than 100km/h on the road?'
Posted By: Mike Kuttschrutter

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 05:24 pm UTC

I like the speed limiter idea.
No reason why something that big needs to go that fast, its not safe. End of story.

In the future I can see sensors at every speed limit sign that our cars pick up on. When you enter a 50 you car will pick up on it, and automatically govern the car to 70.
Posted By: Kevin Jenkins

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 06:34 pm UTC

I don't think some of you guys really get what it's like driving a tractor trailer.

They need to be able to accelerate into hills to avoid bogging themselves down when they're carrying heavy loads and end up doing 60km/h on the freeway which is WAY more dangerous than doing 120 for 30 seconds at a time.

It's not safe for something that big to go that fast? What?! Do you know how many of those 'unsafe' vehicles are on the road without any problems. You watch too much news buddy.

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 06:43 pm UTC

The main reason the speed limit has been reduced was not for the publics safety, its meant to save on fuel. They're putting the environment over safety! BTW there is going to be a huge blitz in the first week of June, so if you drive truck DON'T be caught speeding!
Posted By: Mike Kuttschrutter

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 07:23 pm UTC

Originally Posted by Kevin Jenkins
I don't think some of you guys really get what it's like driving a tractor trailer.

They need to be able to accelerate into hills to avoid bogging themselves down when they're carrying heavy loads and end up doing 60km/h on the freeway which is WAY more dangerous than doing 120 for 30 seconds at a time.

It's not safe for something that big to go that fast? What?! Do you know how many of those 'unsafe' vehicles are on the road without any problems. You watch too much news buddy.

What freaking hill on a freeway is going to make a truck dip from 105 down to 60?

I understand the need for the extra umph, to get up a hill. I see trucks crawl up the huge hill outside my work all the time, most of which while maintaining the speed limit.

And yes im sure there is many of those "unsafe" vehicles on the road going much faster. But just as an example If you were to choose wether to have a civic crash through your front door, or a Tractor Trailer, which would you want?

And I don't watch news.
Posted By: toddmeunier

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 07:38 pm UTC

Why not have two limits? One for trucks and one for cars. Oh and something else that actually works is if you enforce the limits.
Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 08:03 pm UTC

That's the whole point, Todd. They're limiting trucks while not limiting cars. And Mike, I see trucks under 70kph going up hills on the highway ALL THE TIME. This is even after they get a 120-130kph roll on the previous downhill.

"The street is a beast that can not be tamed." That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, although Gary's comment of hitting the bad drivers strikes at the heart of the problem. Better driver training and harsher license requirements are the answer. However, since too many people would complain about needing to KNOW how to drive before getting a license, so they're 'taming the beast' by legislating the wee out of it. You can't really complain against the behaviour of these trucks, since THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO AS WELL.

The speed limit is supposed to be just that, a MAXIMUM limit. You're not supposed to EVER exceed this, even when passing another vehicle. That's the letter of the law, anyway. We've been blessed to have police that use the 'common sense' approach up until now, but the actions of the idiotic few, coupled with way more vehicles (with way more power) on the roads, and the politicians going the US route of 'tickets for dollars', and we're about to see this go bye-bye.

I've said it before, I can't wait until cars get completely run by computers...
Posted By: Kevin Jenkins

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 28, 2009 11:13 pm UTC

I see trucks get bogged down all the time, there mustn't be hills in stratford.

What I'm saying is the general public driving big trucks and SUVs are way more of a danger than transports.

Transport drivers get way more training, check their vehicles and loads every day, and there are much less of them on the road than other vehicles.

All it this does is make a few whiners happy, not to mention it creates convoys, which are illegal. sh!t happens, people die, that's life.

The way things are going we'll all end up in mandatory personal safety bubbles because insurance companies don't want to pay the money if we fall and hurt ourselves.
Posted By: DaveBarlow

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 12:22 am UTC

In the states they have limits for trucks and limits for cars.. we should implement that over here and be done with it.
Posted By: Gary Wong

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 01:36 am UTC

"However, since too many people would complain about needing to KNOW how to drive before getting a license, so they're 'taming the beast' by legislating the wee out of it." now that's the dumbest thing i've heard lol

be interesting when cars are run by computers, when accidents happen who's fault is it?
Posted By: Louis Savard

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 01:45 am UTC

Originally Posted by Kevin Jenkins
The way things are going we'll all end up in mandatory personal safety bubbles because insurance companies don't want to pay the money if we fall and hurt ourselves.

Where's my bubble!?!? And will I save on my homeowners insurance?
Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 11:56 am UTC

Seriously, Gary. How many people do you know that KNOW how to drive...REALLY know how to drive? I've met some in the DSM community. Some of them even had Solo2 licenses. But they still couldn't 'drive'. In North America, it's become more of a right than a privilege... Which is why we have so many accidents. People don't take it seriously. And if we started telling people, "You can't drive because you're not good enough." there'd be a public outcry. We'd be taking away their freedom, and everyone is created equal, and all that...

Computer controlled accidents? That would be the fault of the hackers that jack in and screw up the system for a laugh. wink
Posted By: Rafal Kuleta

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 03:07 pm UTC

Originally Posted by Troy Jollimore
Seriously, Gary. How many people do you know that KNOW how to drive...REALLY know how to drive? I've met some in the DSM community. Some of them even had Solo2 licenses. But they still couldn't 'drive'.

Ok. So just what exactly do you mean by REALLY knowing how to DRIVE Troy?

To REALLY DRIVE, you pay attention (to your surroundings & whats ahead of you, not your lunch or cell-phone), keep both hands on the wheel, and drive decisively (with confidence and common sense). Thats basically it IMO.

Originally Posted by Troy Jollimore
... And if we started telling people, "You can't drive because you're not good enough." there'd be a public outcry. We'd be taking away their freedom, and everyone is created equal, and all that...

We already tell people "you're not good enough to drive." Its called driver licensing. Problem is, too many poorly qualified slip through the all too easy system.

Originally Posted by Troy Jollimore
Computer controlled accidents? That would be the fault of the hackers that jack in and screw up the system for a laugh. wink

Great, so now instead of either me being at fault or the other guy on the road being at fault and causing the accident, now we have a third party that can come in to screw things up some more.

I say, LEAVE PEOPLE in COMPLETE control of their vehicle. No more screwing around with technology that is neither responsible, or completely aware of the situation. It doesn't really care what happens, only that it does its job, TO A FAULT even !!

Just imagine your car being limited to a certain speed, and you trying to avoid an obstacle by speeding up and changing a lane, only to realize in horror that the DUMB computer that the government issued won't let you!! And by the way, after the trucks become limited, who do you think the government will turn to next !!!

Speaking of trucks, THE REASON for TRUCK SPEED LIMITERS appears to , yet again be $$$ NOT SAFETY !!

The government wanted to impose limitations so as to make it at easier transition for the Ontario truckers (and eventually motorists) to get used to seeing the dual trailer or LCV (Long Combination Vehicles) on the road. Imagine what a jacknife on our busy highways would be like with one of THESE:

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Stacey Shaw

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 04:25 pm UTC

What!! In Ontario you don't have super B's?(trucks pulling 2 trailers) I thought that was allowed everywhere in Canada. I've driven lots of different trucks, to even heavy equipment on the highway. It takes a lot of respect to drive a large vehicle, they can weigh anywhere from 40,000 to 80,000lbs. That is a lot of weight to stop. A tip to remember is that if you are following a truck, if you can't see his/her side mirrors, they can't see you.
Posted By: Rafal Kuleta

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 05:39 pm UTC

I have very very rarely seen these big monstrosities. From what I've heard from a discussion on the radio, Ontario does not even have the facilities necessary to accommodate such rigs. Obviously these things won't be able to get off the highway and use most of our city and rural roads. They would only go between certain locations that would have special loading and unloading facilities, of which Ontario does not have (Yet more $$$ our genius government wants to spend on building even though regular sized rigs can do the same job).

And with those 100 or so proposed double trailer rigs, theres likely to be 100 or so truckers out of work. Cause now, 1 is doing the work of 2. Our own government needlessly wasting our $$$ to put huge monstrosities on our over clogged highways, imposing unsafe limiters as a result, and putting truckers out of work (during such great economic times too bah )

Extremely thoughtful and kind of them annoy
Posted By: Waldo Calderon

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 07:22 pm UTC

There is but two reasons that the government will act. The right reason and the real reason. The right reason is what you read about in the papers. The real reason is money.

Safety is an illusion that the government can't guarantee. The only person that is responsible for your safety is you. Don't let the government tell you that this is for your safety. Fines, seizures, painted lines, jail terms, license suspensions don't do jack if all that's left of you is a greasy spot on the road way.
Posted By: Lukas Warzynski

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 29, 2009 11:59 pm UTC

Originally Posted by Waldo Calderon
There is but two reasons that the government will act. The right reason and the real reason. The right reason is what you read about in the papers. The real reason is money.

Safety is an illusion that the government can't guarantee. The only person that is responsible for your safety is you. Don't let the government tell you that this is for your safety. Fines, seizures, painted lines, jail terms, license suspensions don't do jack if all that's left of you is a greasy spot on the road way.

tu tu

Posted By: Waldo Calderon

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 30, 2009 02:14 pm UTC

frack 100km speed limits.
Posted By: Mike Kuttschrutter

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - April 30, 2009 08:30 pm UTC

^^ that should be done here.
Thats just great.
Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 01, 2009 06:30 pm UTC

That's exactly what I meant, Rafal. wink

But as for the computer-controlled thing, I was thinking about the WHOLE car being computer-controlled. Why do you think we don't have speed limiters already? Exactly for the situation you mention. The problem is, a growing faction in power is of the opinion that since most of the population can't drive responsibly, none of them should.

I'd rather take the human component out of the equation. It'll hurt US, but for the increased safety margin? I'll take it...
Posted By: Rob Strelecki

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 01, 2009 07:30 pm UTC

Originally Posted by Troy Jollimore
Why do you think we don't have speed limiters already?

Cops still need to get paid? ponder
Posted By: Brandon Clement

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 05, 2009 05:02 am UTC

Originally Posted by Mike Kuttschrutter
I like the speed limiter idea.
No reason why something that big needs to go that fast, its not safe. End of story.

In the future I can see sensors at every speed limit sign that our cars pick up on. When you enter a 50 you car will pick up on it, and automatically govern the car to 70.

there is also no reason for 500hp daily driven DSMs. But we have em!
Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 05, 2009 12:03 pm UTC

Ah, but that's because the numbers of irresponsible idiots with such cars has tradtionally been limited by total population, and those cars being restricted to those with money.

Now that the population (and number of idiots) is increasing, and such machines being more easily available to more and more people, the need to control/outlaw the machines themselves is getting more and more prevalent. There is a point where individual rights and freedoms need to take a second seat to the safety of the masses. You've seen it yourself with the new Speed Racing law.

I mean, think of a 17 year old typical idiot with a decent $9-$10 job. He can buy a $3000 DSM and drop about $8000 of engine into it. Suddenly, this irresponsible Fast and Furious fan has a 500hp missile without brake, tire and suspension upgrades...
Posted By: Stacey Shaw

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 07, 2009 03:39 pm UTC

While I agree that there needs to be laws, we must not let fear drive our laws. That same 17 year old idiot can do as much damage driving the family minivan. Alcohol is readily abused in conjunction with driving as are cell phones, news papers, mirrors and the list goes on. We are not about to ban all those products.
People still run stop lights, still speed, still street race, drive impaired, and etc.
Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 07, 2009 05:47 pm UTC

Fear does have a lot to do with it, and rightly so. But people are funny creatures, and politics plays them like a fiddle. Like the move to put stickers on cars driven by young drivers. What's that actually going to do? Nothing. But in the mind of 'The Public'? Ah, the government is DOING something about this menace. We feel better now, so we'll vote for them again...

Take down here. I only just found out our government had passed a new law for our annual (now bi-annual) vehicle safety inspections which would outlaw any raised or lowered vehicles on NS roads. It was shouted down by mechanics that were learning about this at an information session (heck, they make lots of money selling the kits!) and passed back for review.

Typical government mentality in action, though...
Posted By: Stacey Shaw

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 08, 2009 04:04 am UTC

Wow, that is crazy. Performance and aftermarket parts is a huge industry and so is installation of the parts. Nothing like kicking the automotive industry when its down already.

The one thing every politician needs more of but doesn't seem to have enough of is 'Common sense.'
Posted By: Mike Lane

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 08, 2009 04:27 am UTC

Lol Well Im the 18 year old on a part time job that bought a DSM. I drive alot better than most people my age, for the fact I paid for every cent of it. 2.5 years part time work savings. I hardly spent a cent untill I got it. Paid about 12 500 after exchange/import taxes/safety and on the road. I think these kids need to start buying things themselves, pay there own gas and insurance to apreciate what they have. Im on my dads insurance, so I m very carefull about speeding, one ticket and Im off of it, and my car could be parked a longgg time. I simply could not afford the insurance under my name.
Even still some kids do pay these things and do get in accidents and drive irrisponsibly. I however, choose to not be one of them.
Posted By: Troy Jollimore

Re: Dangers of Speed Limiters on Trucks - May 08, 2009 12:09 pm UTC

Yep. It's more attitude and aptitude than anything else. Unforunately, most kids with little aptitude for driving tend to cover it up with attitude, which makes things worse.
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