$ for help!

Posted By: mike leclerc

$ for help! - March 20, 2005 11:34 pm UTC

I have rediculous knock. When I ground the wire to set timing, the car starts to misfire. It probably isn't a difficult job for someone with experience, but it's beyond me right now.

43 counts of knock on 94 octane.

Anyone in the area that can help?
Posted By: Jerry Rose

Re: $ for help! - March 21, 2005 01:47 pm UTC

Ok Mike stop right there and step away from the vehicle, leave the keys in the ignition and just move away. Dont modify anything, stop racing and dont even go over 5000 rpm. Reading your posts is like having someone run their nails down a damn chalkboard.

Their are a lot of reasons you could be knocking some are not so serious and an easy fix and some are very serious and will destroy your engine. Not that I am concerned that you wont have a car to drive but I hate to see a good Talon go to waste. Start with the basics, get a service manual and read it, search related posts and check off all the simple and cheap fixes first moving in an organized fashion to a point where your car is running properly, then modify then maybe even race. [Linked Image] There are lots of guys around the GTA who could help you and hopefully before you fubar the car. Try coming to a meet for starters after doing some research.
Posted By: Nigel Smith

Re: $ for help! - March 21, 2005 05:30 pm UTC

dude, when are you getting 43 counts?
is it under full boost, or under part throttle.
theres no way a 7.8:1 compression engine can have 43 counts of knock under no boost and part throttle, this is known as phantom knockingm which in itself can be a pita to diagnose.
first determine whether this is real knock or phantom knock.. my guess is its phantom knock though.
Posted By: Noah Wiles

Re: $ for help! - March 21, 2005 06:46 pm UTC

Gawd, have you tried a simple search. We see people with this complaint all the time. Most of the time it ends up being phantom knock originated from one of several things.

Do some research already man.
Posted By: Nathan Welch

Re: $ for help! - March 21, 2005 07:27 pm UTC

Post a log mike!
Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: $ for help! - March 21, 2005 08:08 pm UTC

Guys. I have been on the search function for weeks now. At least 3 hours a day. NO KIDDING. I have set the base timing, changed coils transistor wires plugs, leaned the car out, richened it up. No change

It must be phantom knock, because all my other readings are OK. I'm using 94 octane too.

Can i just unhook the knock sensor?

Posted By: Rob Strelecki

Re: $ for help! - March 21, 2005 08:13 pm UTC

Originally posted by mike leclerc:
Can i just unhook the knock sensor?
Sure you could.

You could also drive around with a blindfold.
Don't worry, you won't crash into anything because you didn't see anything.
Posted By: Victor Gerena

Re: $ for help! - March 21, 2005 08:15 pm UTC

Mike use your brain, the knock sensor is there for a reason and if you disconnect it the car will read a consistent 7 counts of knock and toss a CEL not to mention **** up timing curves.
You are running a 16g with stock fuel correct? Lower the damn boost and get someone who knows what they are doing to HELP you TUNE the car. I totally agree with Jerry, its just a matter of time before something breaks.
Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: $ for help! - March 22, 2005 02:41 am UTC

I have tried everything I have found relating to the subject. I only get knock at high RPM. I have stopped racing, and I'm driving like an old lady. I do have destroyed bushings (control arms, steering rack, center drive shaft bearings) all could be contributing factors.

I wish I could come to a meet. I am really busy with moving now.

My knock sensor is soup. I touched it and it was goo. Guess i better get a new one.

(edit) I don't always get knock either. Sometimes it's "0"
Posted By: Tashko Sarakinov

Re: $ for help! - March 22, 2005 06:38 am UTC

Originally posted by mike leclerc:
...I only get knock at high RPM....
umm, if you only get knock in open loop you need to get somebody with a logger to see what your O2 readings are. Could be a simple case of not enough fuel...I don't know much about tuning like others on the board but that's my "dumbass" deduction...

I used to get phantom knock at part throttle and the only thing that cured it was a combination of fixes:
1. New bushings (went for urethane) which required new front lower arms which were "embarrasing"
2. An extra resonator in the 3" exhaust
3. 3g lifters
4. fuel pump rewire

only after these things did I finally get rid of my phantom knock. I think the resonator had the greatest effect but I don't have data to support that. YMMV!

Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: $ for help! - March 22, 2005 01:07 pm UTC

my o2 is .90

I have all new exhaust, rewire, and zero lifter tick after warm-up.

I searched dsmtalk, and their posts seem to point toward a faulty knock sensor. They say if it's leaking goo; it's toast. It will be super sensitive.


Posted By: Jon Arnett

Re: $ for help! - March 22, 2005 05:49 pm UTC

My phantom knock was coming from a leaky exhaust manifold.

But in your case, just try replacing the sensor first.
Posted By: Sean Demoe

Re: $ for help! - March 23, 2005 11:57 pm UTC

I know its a stupid idea but if you did want to run with no knock sensor all you have to do is ground the wires going to the sensor and it will tell ur ecu u have 0 knock all the time and give u perfect timming. If your 100 percent positive its phantom and not your engine and you have enough fuel in there and your tired of no power and bad milage then do it. 43 is the max. counts the ecu will give you by the way so you could have alot more than that.
Posted By: Allan Brown

Re: $ for help! - March 24, 2005 12:53 am UTC

If you are still at 15psi its very very unlikely its detonation knock.If you cranked it up to 25 might be real.But you can turn it down to absolute minimum or take boost controller out and just run a hose to turbo to wastegate direct.
Also you are on 94.That should be fine for 15psi.

Its phantom but yeah it could be solved by several things.But for me I was being driven insane by it.It was happening mostly off idle.
I had a gone knock sensor too and of course you should replace that and see if it helps.

The only thing that got rid of my knock was the custom chip and eprom ecu.Know when I get knock I know its the real thing.

I wonder if 2g cars get this phantom knock crap.
I will likley have a 2g in next day or so.Have a whole bunch of new things to worry about.

I don't think no knock sensor is a good idea and not sure if the car will pull timing huge for safety thats what happens if you try that in the gm cars I have.Works for me.I was so mad was going to buy an aem ems and those things are stupid pricey.

If you are going to stay with a 1g I recommend eprom ecu and custom chip or dsmlink if you have the bucks.

Also are you dead sure you timed the car to 5 degrees btdc with all those things jumped and stuff? and id you check the mark on the balancer.I said nearly every 1g balancer falls apart I bet around 100,000 miles.MIne sure did and when it starts to go it separates and you timing will not be close at all and that for sure can cause real knock off the charts if you have way too much timing.
Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: $ for help! - March 24, 2005 03:17 am UTC

Yeah, everything seems to be good. When i changed the camshaft, i had to take the pulleys off. They looked fine. I set the timing half way between the "upper mark" and the 10, which I have been led to believe is 5.

My new knock sensor should be here tomorrow. I'll log it and get back to you guys.

Thanks for the concern.
Posted By: Chris Mckee

Re: $ for help! - March 24, 2005 03:07 pm UTC

LOL dont unplug the knock sensor. My friend did that because he thought he had "phantom knock" Well it was fast, for about 7 minutes, until it phantom knocked itself to death!! tu
Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: $ for help! - March 25, 2005 02:20 am UTC

So, my knock sensor was unavailable! They could have told me that before the holiday! Does Canadian Tire sell them? I want to find one fast.
Posted By: Rex Rufo

Re: $ for help! - March 25, 2005 08:01 am UTC

Try going to the junkyard, I got my 02 sensors in there. smile You wont believe what you can get in there.
Posted By: Nigel Smith

Re: $ for help! - March 25, 2005 04:28 pm UTC

dont get a knock sensor from a junkyard, why bother replacing it with unknown crap...
wait until mitsu gets it!
Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: $ for help! - March 25, 2005 08:07 pm UTC

I yanked the sensor today. It has a splice in it and where it connects to the "bolt" part, it was bent down into the goo. All of the goo hasn,t run out, but I can see where it was dripping down. I think it was a junkyard grab. This guy half assed everything. Time to get out that fine toothed comb.
Posted By: mike leclerc

Re: $ for help! - March 27, 2005 03:15 am UTC

I checked under the car today(center axle). What do you know...busted U-joint!
I swapped in a new one(what a bitch) Now my timing doesn't retard and I seem to have rediculous power!
Still need tuning though.
Thanks for all your help on my knock problem.
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