I saw more stupid driving yesterday than I have ever seen in my life. And these people don't care much, because they're never told differently, and the police don't really enforce the 'small rules'.

In LA, I noticed they rigidly enforced keeping streets and intersections clear. RIGIDLY. So the traffic just did it. I sat yesterday and blew a nice little song on my horn to two witches who blocked me in at an intersection. Of course, they were mad at ME for having the audacity to honk at them. Until people calm down, THEY are the ones in the right. In their heads, anyway.

But most people can barely drive, let alone drive while keeping track of how to best interact with other traffic.

The 'violence' quotient is why my father keeps two 1.5" thick 2' nylon rods behind his driver's seat. If he's ever threatened, it's beat-down time.