Well Its been quite sometime since I have checked this post. I must say I not recived an e-mail from Josh in sometime now. I have sent Josh all info and have even offered pic's of the recepts for the money and have gotten nothing in return. Im not sure what most of you think, but as far as I know this is a closed thread. I have supplied all information regaurding me sending Josh his money ect, if you need further confirmation please e-mail me, I will be gald to show you all scans and paper work for our transaction.

Now I have no hard feeling on this matter as I said I believe it is done. Please everyone who has read this read know I DID NOT Ripp anyone off and I am a totaly legit person. I would like to say thank you to all my fellow DSMer's in my local club for stickin up for me, and for anyone who knows me, knows what I am all about. I will have no hard feeling towards any of you, or fellow DSMer's, please lets move on and take it by day.



"This Girl She Got Me Shook"