Originally posted by Josh Stevenson:
Merlin you handling this great, kept a cool head, and keep doing so. Im sure if you keep trying to get ahold of him, daily then you will have your money back quicker then you think.
I don't think it works that way boyz... u can get a hold of me 20 tims a day if u want to..
416-543-3891.. if i don't have the cash i simply don't... And when somebody starts freking out like merlin and send me an e-mail and expects for me to check my mail 20 time a day like him, obvoiusly i don't and i don't reply for three days in which three days i get about 6 e-mals from him.. It's just stupid... I check may mail every three four days and send perplys to whomever i have to .. I have never stoped talking to him.. or said at any point the i wasn't gonna give back his cash...

The real sotry as he didn;t say it is:

He bought the mass from me.
The about a month later he send me an e-mail that it doesn't work. Then two weeks later he sends it back to me. Then i wait a few days and think my i'll test the thing.. but give up on it cause i don't have a 2g plug. then i send an e-mail to the guy from the states that i bought the mass from. He tells me sure thing send it back to me, and i'll send u anotherone. Well i sent it back to him. after about a month waiting the mass has not arrived in the states.. So I tell Merlin that if i don't hear nothing from the states that i will just give him back his cash nom,ater what happens with the mass. That must've been about about two months ago.

And to poin out that he had agreed with getting another mass, not his cash, even though he came up with a story that he had already bought another mass.

And i said the new mass could be sent directly to his door instead of comming over to me and then me sending it over to him. Merlin said no, that i should receive the mass and then send it to him.. so i said coll.. np...

I didn't see Merlin say anything to me.. when i said i'll send him back the shipping including what he was out for the shipping too..

One more thing.. When somebody is writing about me in here.. i would apreciate if they told me about it. I don't spent two hrs on this site to check every single forrum..

1990 TSI AWD