Do you know what really grinds my gears about the forsale forum? Every once and awile these people apperar out of nowhere and all they do is buy and sell stuff. I find it hard to trust someone who does this. Im not against long time members people who have a name on here doing this because they've been around awhile. Its these guys that just appear to make a buck, they have no history to trust apon. Does anybody else feel this way?

Jay I don't think ist cool to keep giving people the run around. You will likely learn your lesson.
I would'nt buy a thing from you. now knowing the stories Ive fallen apon.

And asfar as Nathan stepping up for Megan good job.
I stepped in and spoke out when Ryan was having a hard time with Keith and I was told to mind my busness. And that ****er still hasent payd up. But I wont watch my good freind get screwedand say nothing And I see Nathan your the same way good for you.