watch out on these jdm tranny places. you may get a trans with a different final drive, then it will lock up at speed, and you will go into the ditch. dunno about the 2g, but the 1g awd trans has a sequence of numbers/letters STAMPED into the bell housing, you MUST match them, or you are hosed. 1g awd trans is W5M332NQxx. the important thing here is the "N". if you get a "W" like i did, the final drive is not compatible with the rear diff, and it will destroy the center diff because they will not synchronize. fyi,
galant vr4 trans-W5M332NQBK or NQBM
galant gsx(will not work) W5M312VQZH or VQBK
eclipse gsx 1g-W5M332NPXU
eclipse gsx 2g-W5M332NPZT or MUZT