Originally posted by Darryl Richardson:

And Jon are you getting a share of the profits at your job? Or is your boss the one making all the money from the profits while you are just getting paid for your time?
That's not a fair question. Jon is a public servant.

On pyramids, I can see how the buisness model can work when you have a product to sell. It's rampant in the online porn industry and those web sites that offer free ipods when you sign up memebers. If you are not a good salesman and like to keep friends, then this is not for you. I've had friends that got into this (Amway/Primerica/Travel Cash) and I really don't assosiate my self with them because every time I meet them it becomes a "Waldo, you should get into this" thing.

This doesn't mean it's not ligit. It's just a different way of doing buisness.