This is pretty gay guys. I know a lot of you are computer nerds like me. You don't work out.

Adam, I used to weigh 190lbs and was very in shape. I stopped over a year ago, I'm now around 170lbs and a lot thinner. I worked out for 4 years of my life. The best thing you can do it get a workout partner and watch other people.

Take every piece of advice you get with a grain of salt. Some people will think they know what they are talking about when it comes to form and procedure but they don't.

Your body is something different then the next guy and it's something YOU have to find out. Each person is different and it's all trial and error. There is no real set perameters.

For me, 4 sets of 10-12 reps worked the best. On the last rep of each set, whatever muscle group I was working on was failing. It worked really well.

11.254@132.14MPH - Tractionally impaired