As far as PMing warnings rather than post them here, why don't guys just recommend the asshole by PM then? Then I wouldn't have to post a response. If someone posts PUBLICLY that he is a good guy, I am going to set the record straight.

If I hung out with Adolph, I would agree with you that I was guilty by association. Hess and a few others WERE guilty by association. IF i were posting good guy posts about Hitler, I would also expect some negative response. That is not the case here.

As far as I am concerned, if you stand there and watch your buddies in a gang rape, you are just as guilty as they are, whether you participated or not. That is my opinion, that is how I was raised, and I believe the laws of this country give me every right not only to feel that way, but also to say so.

"bluebird" worlds fastest scooter ridden by me
"Whitebird" RIP