Originally Posted by Rob Strelecki
I'm guessing they will only fit one way..
Line them up to where your stock caliper brackets mount up at.

I held them up real quick before I left for Omaha, and really they could go on 4 different ways. Obviouslly only 1 way is the right way. 2 of the holes are tapped so I'm assuming those are the ones to use to attach it to the stock mounting points. Now you can line up the 2 tapped holes 2 different ways. One way is going to be upside down, but I'm not sure which way that is yet. Then, you can mount it on the outside, or the inside, of the stock mounting points. Which is it, out or in? And which way isn't upside down? I don't know. Rather than try it, then find out it's wrong and re-do it, possibly up to 4 times, it'd just make it that much easier if there was just a picture and/or diagram of how exactly they go on.

Which way are you "supposed" to put the bolts on? Head towards the engine or head towards the wheel?

I'm in Omaha for work for a couple weeks, so I can't just go in the garage and try things, which is why I'm asking. I may get to go home for a couple days, and if I do I have a lot of crap to try and finish, this being one of them, and I'd like to just be prepared so I can go and knock this out as quickly as possible without dilly dallying around.

Pics/Diagrams, anyone???

Last edited by Brandon Halonen; June 22, 2009 03:13 am UTC.

1991 TSi AWD
541awhp, 10.93@137mph