Guess I might as well offer up my opinions on a couple things:

I also didn't understand why Nigel didn't want to sell to someone who was not local. LOTS of guys have bought cars sight unseen and had them shipped, and John even mentioned he had bought other cars in Ontario, just made the road trip to pick them up. Anyways, Nigel is well within his rights to do as he pleases, just surprised me...

the other thing I disagree with is the "cash is king" philosophy. I grew up in a time when a man's word was his bond, and I still operate that way. If someone tells me "I might come look at it", well, I don't place a lot of value on that...but if someone tells me "I WILL DEFINITELY take it", I consider it sold. If someone backs out after that, well, next time I don't believe THAT particular person....but to distrust EVERYONE because the odd guy has backed out....that doesn't seem right to me..

Anyways, now you have "the opinion to which everyone is entitled".....

Carry on...

"bluebird" worlds fastest scooter ridden by me
"Whitebird" RIP