This is a sad, sad, thing...but it also pisses me off a little...

Seems this young DSM driver made a mistake, and he is going to have to pay for it big time. That is how life works.
Everyone worries about about the elderly couple that are DEAD? It LOOKS like HE KILLED THEM. All have read about them is maybe because they were old their reaction time was too slow? Sorry, but I DOUBT that the 70 year olds were street racing, and what has their reaction time got to do with anything? Somebody made a dangerous turn in front of them, and that is THEIR fault? So, if I shoot a gun in your direction, it is YOUR fault for not getting out of the way of the bullet???

Not long ago there was a thread about a young fellow who killed someone after having his license suspended and alcohol in his system. Everyone wanted to kill the guy. What this guy did was no less serious, just a little less foreseeable, and everyone worries about HIM being ok?

It has yet to be determined who was at fault, but it would APPEAR he was, and if that IS the case, then some middle aged people just lost their parents because of him. Some children lost their grandparents because of him.

If this guy had been driving a honda, you would all have said shoot the fracker.....

Again, he will pay the price. He MIGHT have been better off if he HAD been killed in the accident....but I am a little sick of reading "poor DSM driver, MUST have been the old people's fault"....

"bluebird" worlds fastest scooter ridden by me
"Whitebird" RIP