I kinda held back from posting on this thread 'cause it's a bit of a sensitive subject, but . . .

I'm not necessarily referring to this incident specifically, it's more of a general statement, but here goes:

Is the value of human life somehow tied to the manufacturer of the vehicle someone happens to be driving at the time?

Think about that.

Two people are killed (and they happen to be in a Volvo). Would their lives be somehow worth more had they been in a DSM (for example)?

In this partcular incident, what if the vehicles involved were reversed. Say two people in a DSM were killed in an incident with a Volvo. What would your reactive have been? The same? Different?

These are all questions you should all be asking yourselves. Don't answer them in this thread. Sit down by yourself, in a dark room and ask yourself these questions. Keep the answer to yourself. Depending on your answer, the question that should follow is: DO YOU REALLY EQUATE HUMAN LIFE WITH CAR MANUFACTURERS?