SBR screwed that up TOTALLY from the first step. Their add CLEARLY stated the "kit" included bearings. After I got the kit WITHOUT bearings, we contacted them, and they said the original ad was a mistake, the kit came WITHOUT bearings. They offered to SELL me bearings at what I thought was a great price.....but they sold me the regular "alumaglide" or whatever they call them, the cheap bearings, instead of the "race" trimetal bearings (so the price was really not so great). They sent STANDARD alumaglide bearings, so I just assumed it was an uncut crank, and ordered Mike STANDARD race bearings...
THis has happened to me a couple of times with their "specials". They end up coming WITHOUT some major item they were supposed to come WITH....and they end up really not being a "deal" at all.
I won't bring in those "one day specials" anymore, will ONLY deal with SBR as a LAST resort...

"bluebird" worlds fastest scooter ridden by me
"Whitebird" RIP