I stand corrected.

"Thomas, enjoy your stolen flywheel until such time as I have the info/time to sue you for it."


I would also like to move forward

As you said, it should be pay bill, clear balance, done.
Not I'll pay the bill IF...........


This guy EARNED what he got and what he has yet to get...
He has NOT earned an apology...at least not for making the address HE GAVE ME FOR MY FILES public after hiding for eight months. Whitehorse will be the capital of Canada before that happens...

do you think I would have apologized to HELDER in any way? Not a chance.

I would also be pretty upset if someone tried to lock me in a jail cell....but commit a serious crime, and you should expect it. He is reaping what he has sown.

"bluebird" worlds fastest scooter ridden by me
"Whitebird" RIP