Two ways, both start out the same.

Remove spark plugs keep them rested on the valve cover or any other area that will allow them to ground.

Way 1: remove the CAS and turn it manually with the car in ign, should see sparks and you should hear the injectors firing and you will smell fuel from the spark plug wells

Way 2: turn the car over a few times and watch for spark, smell the spark plug wells to see if there is fuel in them.

Way 1 is definitely the better way to go but if you are lazy, and don't want to redo your timing, than way 2 works too. I personally would go with way 1 because you can do it on your own and it will allow you to hear everything cause you don't have to listen to the car cranking over.

"Old Blue" 91 Talon TSi AWD
"Super Enthusiast" 91 Talon TSi AWD