Originally Posted by Bryan Lawrence
Good to know Rob, I knew they fixed it but never found out how.

IMO, they didnt fix it. They just made a change (which was actually less work from a manufacturing stand point and saved machining costs) that really only prolongs the result of starved thrust.

Given the squirters DO open up, its supposed to be at Higher RPM, when the engine is boosting, and the oil pressure is high and abundant.

At a cold start with your foot on the clutch, or at idle, or at low rpm's, with low oil pressure while pressing the clutch in, theres little to no oil on the thrust if the oil is bypassing the bearings.

This is the same for ALL the main bearings.

Block the squirters and this pretty much solves the chance of lost oil to your crank main bearings.

Compensate the cooling of the pistons with some water or meth spray.