what im saying is i read before that in 95 the motoers were biult in the us, and quality dropped for mass production and mass profit. wether it was substandard quality specs.... or lets completely remove the original sqirters and replace them with cheap poorly designed squirting check valves mounted in holes drilled into the easiest place to get an oil feed. Either way ive heard they same argument from both theories from several diferant dsm gods.

my theory....

when the motors were made in japan, like most other performace machines from japan, they were biult well and with thought. Then when they were biult in the US... well sorry but the US hasnt biult a quality performance car since the muscle car era. (which they cant seem to drop either.)

stock bottom end 6bolt 2g head.
272 hks cams.
Holset hx35
Backyard biult!!