Originally Posted by Mark PPG Scheitzbach

But I guess We'll have to prove it to you rather than tell you. But you'll be impressed. Maybe not enough to bring you back right away, but you'll be intrigued.

I wrote a scathing message about Apple guys telling RIM they're going under. I believe it was Microsoft people telling Apple that 12 years ago, so they feel it's their dues wink

I have talked about my device with a few people, and they're awed. I turned it on, ran it 5:30 am to 11:10 pm, getting medium traffic, and it was sitting at 25% battery life. I didn't have to stop to charge it. The Hub is awesome. BBM has always been amazing. The feel is fantastic. And it may never hold number one in consumer devices, but you're right. 80 million people loved BB so much, they sat with BB7 when it was miles behind iOS and Android.

So I like to imagine what will happen when RIM is running the same race, but with all the little advantages that BB users love. smile

The moment a turbo spools, all your dreams are made possible.