Your right I haven't shut up the haters, I just make them look even more stupid with their opinions, LMFAO...everyone laughing at them now.

That one dude complains I couldn't get into the 9s, couldn't run over 160 mph, 1000+whp is not possible with walbro pumps.....ya your right, he finally moved on once I achieved it all.

Maybe that's why the Canadian DSM scene got no where. You got more tools here getting asshurt over my accomplishments rather than trying to go out and achieve something themselves. Today my car/builds and some guys who hang around close with me are some of the fastest DSMs in the country. I've come a long way in the DSM scene, and very proud to see that my work and builds speak for themselves.

My progress must really hurt a lot of your boys. Now I'm laughing at dudes buying dog boxes with nothing to show for about when the tables turn grin

Jay Stacey, don't you find it odd just not too long ago got, you on Facebook were talking sh!t about me and my shop and trying to shut down my business and publicly posting that you hope my kids don't have food to eat? And now your hoping I get into the 8s, lol.

Funny guy.

I'm having a good laugh now, lol

1G DSM: 1000+ AWHP, 9.2@162.83 MPH
Evo X: 746 AWHP, XR9569S pump gas