Hey thanks u guys for all the kind words [Linked Image] well exept Michel and his smoke screen bit!! Nah just kidding Michel were kool no worries.
Cant wait till its fully tuned and i dont have to worry about the leaning out.

Allen..in due time we will have a go [Linked Image]

Yeah i cant wait to see the expressions of the people specially mustang guys when they get pumped haha *evil grin*.
I was only driving the car maybee 15 minutes crusing around with the window half way open listening to the new exhaust tones and this guy pulled on my left of me at the lights and pulled his window down and goes"what are those?" he was asking about my boost gague and cyberdyne on my A pillar,so i go its a boost gague "modified?" i go yeah turbo hes like "oohh" with this funky look on his face and with this big grin on my face i say YEAH!! hehe

DSM Powered Hyundai


[This message has been edited by Thomas Toth (edited February 15, 2000).]