That totally blows. I cannot imagine the police like that around here. I am sure it will happen soon but that is retarded. Go to track to eliminate street racing but get hassled worse t han if you were on the street cruising around. I understand all points but that is wrong doing what they did potentially causing harm to a business. Cayuga track should lobby to their OPP for sure.

Side note. Ontario DSM Meet I am tying to organize with Chuck. I wanted a track day for Saturday, August 23rd but I am unaware of exactly where Cayuga or St. Thomas is in comparison to lets say the Airport area?. Which is the preferred track? Which is better suited to meet the needs of a large group going, facilties, travelling, roads to get there? ANy ideas? I am not sure many people would want to be hassled on the way to the track like Rafal mentioned in the Meet thread.

Thanks for any info guys.

REGISTER FOR IT if you want to attend. WHy would you not want to attend?