Last time Andy B. was in Montreal, I mentioned I was thinking of going to a 2G MAF. Andy, having a 2G, cautioned me that the 1G MAF has some "holes" (probably what Marco is calling "flat spots") where somehow the signal cuts out or something at specific rpms. The 1G ECU knows about this strange behaviour, and compensates for it at the appropriate rpm ranges. Apparently the 2G MAF sends a steady (unbroken) signal to the ECU, so when people do the 1G/2G MAF swap, they end up with some erratic results at specific rpms, precisely because the 1G ECU is automatically compensating for these holes/flat spots even when they are not

Not to say that I fully understand what I just typed here, and I may have expressed it incorrectly (please, Andy, jump in and correct me if I did!). What I think I'm trying to say is that if you've modified the car so that the timing and/or rpms are not within the parameters that the ECU seems to be hard-coded to expect, this could cause those symptoms you are describing.

This is a bit over my head, so if what I said doesn't make any sense, please disregard... if it does make sense, then please be so kind as to explain it to me so I understand it too [Linked Image]

92 Talon TSi AWD