There was an issue I raised about the old doors possibly being too weak for high abuse use. It's true. They tended to bend under hard use and also the rivets became loose in some. That's why I sent that warning out to everyone. Again it may not happen to yours but it may... and if that door let's loose you can kiss your turbo goodbye.

Well I've fixed the problem. The problem arose from 1 real issue with a couple side effects. The issue was that the material the door was made from was too thin and weak. This caused the bending under hard use and it also caused the problem with the rivits. I'll explain the rivits. If you've seen a rivit you'll notice it works by balling up on the one side to secture itstelf. Well since the old materials was weak when it was suppose to be balling up it did do that but the door material also bent and took up some of the pressure. So the ball formed was not as big and formed as it should be. This is why some of the doors can become loose at the rivits.

I've fixed the problem. I'm now using a much stronger and thicker metal for the door. This will allow proper ball formation on the rivits and also stop any bending of the door. I also hammer the rivets down and then squeaze the balls down flat. This maximizes the ball diameter so there's no way it will go back thru the hole.

Anyone who's got a kit done in the last month has the new door. For everyone else who had it done before send me your address via email and I'll send you a new door free of charge. That's your final warning.

Now how's that for honesty. This arose from just 2 complaints about loose doors. Like I say I'm not in this to make a living... I wanna see more DSMs go fast and I give a sh!t if there's a weakness in something I do.

No sacrifice in the mods performance is lost with this fix. All MAF mod kits and mods I do from now on will have this better door.


[Linked Image] -Quadcylla-
92 Laser RS-T, FWD

1998 AWD 12.1@122 421whp -SOLD
Duck Dodgers = EPIC FAILZ!