not really a fair fight, but it was fun. i didn't get the guys name ,but he was cool.

anyways, he was rippin around behind me, so i asked him to follow me to a side street. i needed to race something and i didnt know it was an NT.

we line up do the one two three and go. 1st gear got me about 5 cars off the start, 2nd i was a block away.i'm sure he had alot of wheel hop in the rain tho. fun first "real" race. i was running 10psi with a little bucking. isnt 10 stock boost? freekin fuel cut! at least i have a boost guage now

92 talon esi, 91 talon
91 talon tsi AWD, 95 talipse AWD 12.4 RIP
95 talon AWD, 99 Syder AWD project