Close Blake... Marco was messing with his inflatable doll when he hit the curb... but it was because he was trying to save her... You see, Marco's minature needle-di*k accidentally impaled his neumatic honey while he was taking a sharp corner... He took his eyes off the road for a second while he gave her "mouth to ???" and lost control of the car. But fear not. With alittle help of some duct tape, she's back in action again..making his drive to work in the 323 all the more pleasant. But don't worry, Marco now takes some precautions to prevent another nasty puncture while driving with his helium lady... He has gobbed a small amount of rubber cement on the end of his penis to dull the sharp-end, and to keep his love-life active.
That's why he hasn't bought himself a Talon yet... He's currently saving all his pennies to invest in a new balloon baby... made of 2 inch thick latex.

[Linked Image]

A.K.A. sixpucksteve
91 AWD

[This message has been edited by Steve Rutledge (edited 13-04-99).]

Formally known as:
91 AWD