Somewhat interested. I wouldn't mind some more details. Who exactly is taking responsibility for the group buy? Or is it another one of those where if you get screwed, you're on your own. What is the expected delivery date? How are the hoods being shipped (UPS, USPS?) Can we get our dough back if the hoods aren't delivered by X date. Etc.
Not trying to be too cyncical because I like a deal just the next guy and appreciate knowing about it. But everyone that reads the group buy sagas knows how many of them turn out.

That said, while the price does seem a bit sketchy, I don't think the price is totally out of the ballpark with 2g's at $475CDN - 50 = $425CDN.

Here are a couple of comparisons for 2g OEM Seibon hoods:
Carbon Fibre Hoods (
About $499USD shipped to a commercial address ~$600CDN.

Alamo Motorsports (
About $416US shipped ~ $500CDN.

As for brokerage, see if you can get it shipped to some joint just across the border that, as a side business, receives stuff for Canadians and just bring it across yourself. [There are a number of places in Washington state that does this in the west.] I'm assuming there'd be no duty on it since I'm guessing the hoods are made in the US.