For the engineer who tried to piss off this yound creative member of the club
what is 1600 watts?
That is about at most 100 watts for the motor and 1500 watt heater
and most dryer have 12 volt motors with voltage reducer using the heater somehow.

But Ziad,
Was that a "hair dryer" and did you have the whole air going throw that. I bet $5000 if you have the whole air going via the dryer fan you would LOSE power BADDD.

but if that was just pushing air in for its own by the side without blocking anything, tell us what the wattage and structure was. if it's anything under a 200 watts fan it doesn't do anything for crying out load

RAM air would do you MUCH better. Remvoing the air filter would be just great!(not safe)

get a direct pipr from intake elbow to the front of the car. I don't think that yeilds anything under 10 HP. (How much HP is it for K&N??)

Great things come from small ideas
like the turbo itself