I've decided to go through an easier route. I've decided to bolt on a few items for a bit of boost.

This is what I think needs for a 1G turbo kit: (correct me if I'm wrong)

-O2 Housing
-exhaust manifold
-turbo fwd oil pan
-450cc turbo injectors
-turbo of course

Wondering if this is all I need to give my NT a bit of boost. I'm not making an NT that can go low 13's in 1/4 mile. Just to make about 50 -70 more Hp.

I've done some research and I don't think you need all those other items. Maybe you do, but I've asked around and ppl have said that if I'm running low boost (5-7 psi), I don't really have to worry too much.

Plz letme know if there is anything critical that needs to be added.

94 Talon ES(Extra Speed)