Originally posted by Nathan Welch:
Burn the car to the ground, then with the insurance money buy a dsm. Perfect.

Even though I have a 2GNT, I'd go with this idea.

The DOHC 420A probably isn't that hell of a lot better. And costs a hell of a lot to turbo (which is still cheap compared to others like putting twin turbos on a 350Z or G35). Best idea would be to get a better platform for performance. Being an import/sport compact enthusiast, I'd hate to suggest it but maybe, just maybe he should look into a Mustang. Their last generation of cars should be pretty cheap when picked up as used. And with a few power adders they should do fine.

Would probably be much cheaper than doing a motor swap on a neon. Come to think of it ... sounds pretty pointless in doing a motor swap on a neon to begin with.