Ha! You say it's sweet, until you consider that it's the equivalent of Todd Day's ECU mod (~$200?) and a $50 manual boost control. And it costs around $600.

The Euro crowd keep a TIGHT grip on ECU communications specs and encryption, so that every-hacker and their dog can't develop S-AFCs or Palm Loggers like you see for the Japanese/DSM-type cars. So you can't just slap on a bigger turbo and tune like a DSM, you have to get a new chip or a re-program for another few hundred bucks. And then there's no guarantee it'll work.

There's tools like Lemmiwinks that you can use to tune your ECU parameters, but only a little bit. And if you slap on an MBC and crank the boost yourself, the ECU steps in when it detects more boost than it thinks it should have and you get stuck with 'limp-home mode'.

Also consider that the K03 and 04 turbos are about the size of a stock 2G's T25. Something the size of a T28 is a MAJOR upgrade. There's a few that have pushed farther with bigger turbos and custom tuning, but either the limiter steps in with the AWD systems, or you get nothing but wheelspin. Hell, I can light my little 15" tires up at will with a stock 1.8t...