This is something that has started on DSMTalk and DSMLink, I thought it would be nice to bring it to Club DSM Canada.

The thought is, if you need little stuff, and I mean little stuff like the odd clamp, bolt etc. post it up here and see if someone has it. The post was "If anyone needs little stuff, and I mean little stuff, post it here and I'll gladly pay it forward."

So, in saying that, I have a big bucket of bolts in my basement, a 2G parts car and some other random small parts/components from a 1G.

This is done in hopes of helping one another in the community get their cars together faster!

1996 TSi AWD Automagic
12.24 @ 113 - Small 16G
FP Green HTA - 11.42/123
Team Pump Gas and Meth
RTMRacing - Your Canadian source for DSM Parts

"Every moment you live is pregnant with the next moment of your life" --Jim Carrey

Last Login: September 28, 2021