Apparently this topic has been covered multiple times i appolgize in advanced i've tried searching and haven't been able to conclude a solution.. I'm Quickly amassing a large bill and recently lost my job so I can't afford the hit and miss analyis. Here's the problem and what had been done thus far.

Traditional, hard for car to go into first and third, reverse grind upon purchase.

Firstly, replaced fraying clutch cable...

Secondly, just replaced as of today master cylinder which was leaking. Slave cylinder isn't leeking. Rebleed all areas before and after... Clutch will not disengage properly.

When the car is off, it will go into gear fine. When I tried to get it to go into any gear now with the clutch depressed the car will not go into gear at all. I can move the car from any gear into neutral without depressing the clutch while the engine is on as well. The car will not start with the Cluth not depressed and upon starting with the clutch depressed all the way to the floor the car will immediately boot forwards (totally in gear) I do however get vibration if I hold the clutch to the floor while it's in gear and have the break on, almost like the friction point is now that low? Also, while the car is in neutral, engine on, when I try to engage the car into gear with the clutch fully depressed the rpm's increase for *any gear* any the car starts to creep forward... honestly I am beyond confused.

I've droppe over 500$ thus far on opinions from people who said it would be fixed with this, hasn't been, I don't want to drop the trans at the current shop it's at (Canadian tire... Couldn't move it without turn on / off technique to change gears as of yesterday so I took it o closest location). I am headed there shortly to try to adjust the clutch rod for them, or oversee... But at this point I just need the car for my new job I just started this previous week and I commute to get there.. My other car is in storage for the winter and off insurance so driving it is not an option.

If anyone can help, or can recommend someone who can diagnose and fix the actual problem it'd be greatly appreciated. I don't mind paying the bill, I just want this issue solved and to stop wasting my time at places that have no idea about dsm's.

It's a 97 talon base with a front clip swap from a eclipse, now turbo awd.

If anyone knows of a shop that's in or close to Mississauga or can do the work themselves, feel free to call me, i'm headed there in 2 hours and will have to move the car... Also when I agreed to let them repair the master cylinder, they said it would fix the problem... Am I stuck with this whole bill now too?

416 456 3975. Please advise thanks in advance and I appologize if this s confusing etc I'm on my iPhone...

Thanks again guys.

Last edited by Luke Wynter; December 11, 2009 06:25 pm UTC.