Clutch cable... that is the best way I know to explain it, the cable that when the clutch is depressed allows the transmission to change gears... This also confused one guy I was talking about, but it's a long metal cable.. althought I am aware the TSI is hydraulic as well.

Yeah Bully is what i meant, I however am in Toronto and a trip to Ottawa is not really feasible at the current time lol.

Yeah that became blatently apparent, so I moved the car back to my place... the only question remains is really where do I take it from here?

In respect to your list however, half of those I have no idea how to check for to give you an idea of how unmechanically savvy I am.

I was just hoping it wouldn't come to that really... although honestly, if the clutch was replaced only a year ago and the transmission rebuilt, I'm having a hard time understanding how it could in reality be either.

One thing is certain, I need to take it to someone who actually knows DSM's... and that is what I hope to achieve, before I waste my towing km's... just a shop that people feel confident will for sure be able to properly diagnose and correct this issue. That is what remains and recommendations would be greatly appreciated, thank you.