Okay, I just failed miserably...

My HC at idle was 2,3XX the limit is 200, I'm over 11 times the limit. We leaned it with 'Link to the point the WB didn't even read, had 1L of meth in 1/4 tank of 87 octane gasoline, and idle was bouncing around 1,100 RPM. I have a cat as well, however I have a 272/272 cam combo, which I think is what caused such high HC. CO it passed easily. At 2,600 RPM I failed CO (barely though) yet passed HC.

Any ideas? Is it possible to pass with 272's?

1993 TSi AWD
2008 Evo GSR
2011 Ralliart
2012 Ralliart
2011 RVR GT