Well frack...

When I had the transmission first off I noticed that the one axle seal looked a bit roughed up. Since I was dropping the transmission again, I thought I might as well replace it.

This is what I found upon taking the seal out and taking a much better look:
[Linked Image]

Don't know how the previous owner did it, but this casing is done for. Trying to use as is the new seal doesn't seal against the raised face. Trying to remove the chunk of metal, I'll have no sealing surface. And if I try to trim it down, I have a high chance of metal pieces inside the transmission and will have a crack along the sealing surface. Could jb weld it and very carefully take it down, but I don't feel like half-assing after all I have done so far.

So looks like I'll be getting that new transmission sooner than later.

Did have a chance to measure the thickness of the ACT 6 puck sprung vs the Southbend and sure enough, Reza was correct - 20 thou thicker was the Southbend over the ACT.

I'll update again when I get the new transmission all bolted in.

Another question. The ACT disc I got came with a small blister package of 'clutch lube' with the note: "read the installation instructions" I went to their website and there was nothing about the lube nor on the back of the clutch packaging. What is this stuff? Lightly spread on both sides of the clutch pads? Is it for the splines? The only searches I could dig something up on was a snowmobile forum which talks about a dry lubricant to increase clutch life. Just an oddity to me really having to apply something to the clutch surfaces before installing one.