Originally Posted by Wojciech Figurniak
Miguel you are an a$$hole, I told you that I took it to the mechanic and compression was fine and so was the motor, it was the turbo that broke a shaft. If you knew how a motor works you would understand that even a cooked motor will build compression, do you know what makes the turbo spin? I thought so..

and thanks for telling Deep that I cooked a motor when I did not and all you wanted to do was so he didn't buy it. And to be honest I wouldn't have sold it to you anyways after lowballing be for such a nice car like it was a fracking cavalier, shame on you, because you are not right dude. Miguel - shady guy

my 0.02 cents

You can go f@ck yourself you tool. Ive been around this board a lot longer than you and have had many many dealings with people. I'll let them decide if I'm shady or not. That car was running beautiful until you put your hands on it and killed it.

For what it's worth, I hope deep fixes the car and enjoys it like the way it was meant, not to be abused by a tool like you.

97 Eclipse GS-T - Project Nightmare!!!

2009 Dodge Journey / DD,parts hauler,mobile office