So summer is fast approaching and I figured I would resurect this and see what people do for cutting. I try to always keep myself lean so I have not put on that much weight while bulking but I am wondering what everyone does to cut as I don't even remember the last time I had a defined six back (I can see it but there is still a bit of fat there).

I have been doing some reading and have decided to cut out all starchy carbs and simple carb(try to avoid them all the time). Also going to see if I can get my ass in gear and do some cardio. The one thing I was listening to today was that drinking distilled water helps for loosing that last bit of fat, has anyone heard anything similar?

Here is the video that mentions it, I would also say from amount of body fat perspective I am around where the guy is in the video. Last bit of fat

P.S. These guys are funny and have lots of good advise if you haven't seen them before.

"Old Blue" 91 Talon TSi AWD
"Super Enthusiast" 91 Talon TSi AWD