Nice! Well I'm not 100% strict Paleo, I still eat bread, some carbs, very little.

Back in August, I was doing a Paleo challenge for a month, and I felt great!

Mind you I'm out of shape and have tonnes of fat on me, so I was seeing results quickly.

The key is to experiment with portions.

If you feel weak one day try adding more fats to your diet. Good fats of course like avocados, almonds (in small quantities), etc.

You'd be surprised the kinds of food I was eating. Steak and eggs with tonnes of spinach, chicken breast/thigh with greens, bacon wrapped dates, sweet potato/yams, and that's basically it, with lots and lots of water.

If you eat a lot of red meat and fatty meats then you better be working out 5-6 times a week high intensity or you won't lose the fat with that kind of diet.

Berries are awesome, and tonnes of greens.

If you find you're sore a lot while working out 5-6 times a week, try buying some Omega 3 pills (seal oil/fish oil) and take 3-4 a day to help you recover and heal.

As for right now I'm seeing quicker results than in August, probably because the training I'm doing is more intense or I'm just trying harder. smile

Edit: Bryan, I'm no expert, just going by what I was introduced to back in August, and by seeing the results of those who swear by a Paleo diet and intense training without much rest.

Last edited by Michael Lee; March 20, 2012 02:18 pm UTC.

1997 Eclipse GST/X
Eat in small amounts. Otherwise be prepared to paint toilet bowls~ Mike Eng