I am 5'1", around 185-190lb.
The best thing is to not get fat at all. Men tend to accumulate fat cells in their belly area, as opposed to women having thighs and arms more susceptible to growing fat cells. Once you have accumulated fat cells in the trouble area, you can never naturally get rid of them, only shrink them. Surgery will fix that, but that’s an extreme measure.
The point is that those areas will be the last to loose fat, and you can’t spot reduce fat by exercising. That’s the reason many women and men complain about being thin except for the trouble areas.
As a result, you would have to really clean up your diet and commit to exercising, in order to address the trouble areas.
I myself don’t think it’s worth the effort. I don’t want to be a prisoner of dieting. As long as I maintain my bf at %10-15, while keeping the weight at 185lbs I am happy.

I find that the best way to loose fat quick, aside from proper diet is high intensity training. It's a simple principle of keeping maximum heart rate, while performing strenuous exercising involving maximum amount of muscle groups, thus burning maximum amount of calories.
If you don't feel light headed at the end, than you are not trining hard enough demon

Last edited by Jakub Kowalczyk; March 20, 2012 08:32 pm UTC.