So Mr.Stacey and myself met up a few weeks ago and I was telling him about how my progress on my car was being held up because I didn't have a non cruise cable. He had mentioned that he made his own from the cruise stuff, but recommend I don't risk it on my box incase I screw it up. A while back Joe had given me a box of free stuff and it had a 90 cruise cable so figured I might use that. I had been waiting on a non cruise cable from someone but was tired of waiting and decided I would give it a go. I called my boy Chris up and we got together and created a non cruise cable from the two cables that came off the 90 cruise unit, here is the out come below, because we didn't want to fabricate too much the cable will do a loop to make it back to the intake. I will take pictures after the install on sunday probably.
[Linked Image]

"Old Blue" 91 Talon TSi AWD
"Super Enthusiast" 91 Talon TSi AWD