So here is the problem Mike. At the moment there are a lot of pieces and it would be really expensive. Even if I got 100 sets made in china it would still cost me around $700 or more a set so they would have to sell for more than that to cover the risk involved. To give you an idea, the aluminum for the arms cost $300 and the spherical bearings cost $250. Realistically if someone like Ziggy were to sell them he'd have to charge like $1200 and still not make much margin. DSMer's are way to cheap for that.

Basically part of the design uses a yoke to relocate the suspension pivots on the upright inorder to move the imaginary pivot around and do some fancy fancy. I also designed it this way for peace of mind, yokes are much stronger than cantilevered ball joints, that is why race cars typically yoke their heim joints (but OEM uses cantilevered ball joints so I'm just being conservative) This creates a lot of parts and cost. I think I may have a way to get rid of some of the complexity but I'm not sure how much it will compromise the performance. It would still maintain castor adjustability and lower the car without screwing up your geometry while lengthening the lower arms, maintaining spring travel, and improveing the camber curve and that is 90% of the benefit. The other 10% is much more complicated and requires the pivot relocation. It is possible that the 10% is actually only 1 or 2% and it makes very little difference except in my head.

If I can get to it before baby arrives i will try to test some of this out. Makes me sad thinking about taking it apart since it took me so long to get it near perfect!

Oh and roundabouts are so much more fun now!
