Originally Posted by Steve Rode
Do you know all the movements to Tai Chi Bryan?

I've taken martial arts for 23 years. I practice in my basement, teach my kids, but can't remember all 109 movements..lol. That would be perfect for you.

I can't stress enough that you NEED to give it a rest. You'll grow old real fast if you don't. I've had tears and months of rehabilitation. I can't do squats with weights anymore due to overtraining (and then bad posture).

I even stop the isometrics during my rest period.

Do Tai Chi, stretch your body, have sex, etc. It's only a week!! And you'll be stronger and more focused after that rest period.

Hm, my old boss is taking Tai Chi and loves it, maybe I will give it a go.
I always enjoyed doing Hung Gar (The form of Kung Fu I do) or Tiger Crane, which ever you prefer to call it, cause that's how I meditate.
I was lucky enough to find a really old tape of a guy doing the same form and use that as reference when I forget the moves.
When I was practicing weekly when I was in school I pretty much had it all memorized but it's been so long since then.
Michael, I have been successfully bulking (I say that cause I never had much luck in the past) for a few months now. I have been pushing myself pretty hard lately and have upped the weight in a few of my exercises.
Today I was exhausted half way through my workout and yesterday I couldn't even do the same amount of sets after lowering the weight.

"Old Blue" 91 Talon TSi AWD
"Super Enthusiast" 91 Talon TSi AWD
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