My routine:

Monday: Back
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Arms
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Shoulders

And, if time allows, I'll throw in core 2-3 times a week on any of Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri, just not 2 days in a row. (E.g. M/W/F or Tu/F, etc.)

Keep in mind, I also do other sports/activities as time allows.

I will be getting back into climbing again full-time soon, and also back on the bike (road and mountain) as well as swimming here and there. Hopefully a bit of running as well but I'd rather climb/bike than run. And random games of basketball/etc.

My goal is to road bike 3 mornings/week before work and mountain bike/climb on weekends. Strength training takes place after work/evenings. If the gym was closer I'd consider morning workouts, but I hate them with a passion.

'92 Talon TSi AWD - 5 Speed/E16G/12.385s @ 115.13mph